COOKIES: This website uses cookies to store your club/team or division, when you last visited and what options you have selected. [click for more info].
A cookie is a file, specific to a website, that is stored on your computer. The file is written to by a website to store information about the pages you have visited and the data you have entered. The file is then read by a website when you visit it in the future to customise the site for you and sometimes to collect information about you, such as the last date that you visited and what you were looking at.

We would like you to allow us to use cookies on this website so that we can store your club/team or division, when you last visited and what options you have selected. This means that next time you visit the website we can take you straight to the information you are interested in, let you know if the information has changed and apply the options you have previously selected. We don't use cookies in any other way and NEVER collect or analyse information about you or pass anything on to a third party.

If you allow us to store cookies for this purpose please click the 'allow cookies' button.
DATA PRIVACY: This website stores the personal data of the Administrators, Club & Team Contacts and Team Players whom participate in the League. [click for more info].
What personal data we hold on you:
For Administrators, which includes Committee Members and Results Secretaries, we hold your name and either one or more telephone numbers or one or more email addresses, or both, and optionally your postal address. For Club and Team Contacts, we hold your name, and either one or more telephone numbers or one or more email addresses, or both, and optionally your BTM number. For Team Players, we hold your name, optionally one or more telephone numbers, optionally one or more email addresses and optionally your BTM number.

How we collect this data:
For Administrators, we collect this data through initial correspondence with you when setting up the website. For Committee Members and Results Secretaries we collect this data through the Administrators entering the data onto the website through their own correspondence with you. For Club and Team Contacts, we collect this data through the Administrators and/or Results Secretaries entering the data onto the website through their own correspondence with you. Optionally we collect this data through existing Club and Team Contacts entering the data onto the website during online team entry through their own correspondence with you. For Team Players, we collect your name through Club and Team Contacts entering your name onto a match card. Optionally we collect your telephone numbers and email addresses through Club and Team Contacts entering data onto the website through their own correspondence with you.

Why we need your personal data:
Logon to the website: In order for you to create a logon to the website we need to verify who you are. We do this by asking you to enter your name onto the website and then complete the missing characters and numbers from you contact details, we then send you a code to your contact details which you must enter onto the website and choose a password. If you subsequently forget your password then the validation process, as described above, is used to reset your password.

Communicate with you: Administrators have the ability to use your contact details to send you emails through the website. For Administrators, League Officials and Results Secretaries we use your contact details to allow those logged onto the website to send you feedback, without exposing your contact details. NOTE: the contact details of those logged onto the website are provided as part of the feedback. For Results Secretaries, we use your contact details to automatically notify you of VOID and POSTPONED / UNFINISHED matches. For Team Contacts, we use your contact details to automatically notify you of changes to fixture status.

To report singles player results: we generate reports of all signals matches containing your name and BTM number. These reports are available to those visiting the website without having to logon. These reports are sent to the LTA, by league officials, for the purposes of updating individual players LTA ranking, based on league match results.

Who we share your personal data with:
We do not share your personal data with anyone. However, for Committee Members and Results Secretaries your name is listed as a league official, your contact details, including postal address, are not displayed in the handbook, unless you set your privacy to PUBLIC or your privacy is set to LEAGUE and the viewer has logged onto the website. For Club & Team Contacts, your name is listed as a contact for the club / team you represent, your contact details are not displayed on the website, or optionally the handbook, unless you set your privacy to PUBLIC or your privacy is set to LEAGUE and the viewer has logged onto the website. For Team Players, your name is listed on the match card and optionally as a starred player and listed in the player rankings. Your contact details are not displayed on the website, or available for download, with the exception of being made available to your team contact. NOTE: For all your contact details, and privacy settings, are common across all leagues that you participate in that use this website framework.

How long we hold your personal data:
We hold your personal data for the duration that you are an active participant in the League. As soon as you are no longer a league official or associated with a club or team your personal data will be marked for deletion. We periodically remove personal data marked for deletion.

How you can view the personal data we hold on you:
You can view the personal data we hold on you by logging on to the website and clicking the USER DETAILS tab followed by the MY DETAILS menu item. You can modify, including removing, your contact details from this page.

Burnley & District Tennis League

Burnley & District Tennis League

Playing Rules 2025

All teams are reminded that in joining the league they are making a commitment to complete all their fixtures.


1.0   Teams shall comprise of a maximum of 4 registered players.

1.1   Players are only allowed to register and play for 1 team during the season.

1.2   A player in a team may be substituted at the beginning of the second or third set.


2.0   Matches will consist of 3 sets.

2.1   If the score reaches 5 all, a tie break will decide the winner.

2.2   Matches can be played at any time during the week, that is convenient to both teams.

2.3   All fixtures should be played by the allocated date. However, matches can be arranged before the allocated date.

2.4   The home team will be responsible for

  • Contacting the away team
  • Securing a safe match venue
  • Providing good quality balls



3.0   All communication must be done via Whatsapp.

3.1   Each Division will have their own WhatsApp group, supervised by a divisional secretary.

3.2   A reminder text will be sent to all players 4 days before their fixture.

3.3   If either team has a problem fulfilling their fixture, they must WhatsApp the opposition giving at least 48 hours’ notice.

3.4   In the event of a cancellation the fixture must be re-arranged at the time of cancellation.

3.5   If any team fails to turn up for a match, without advising the opposition. The divisional secretary must be informed immediately and maximum points will be awarded to the other team.


4.0  In the event of an injury occurring to a player, the player shall be entitled to one 3-minute time out

4.1   The injured player may only be substituted at the beginning of the second and or third set.

4.2   Any sets and games won by that team up to the point of injury will stand.

4.3   If no substitution is available the remaining sets will be forfeited to the opposition.

4.4   Any player who concedes a set during a match will not be allowed to play in the remainder of the match.


5.0  One point for each game won, plus 2 extra points for winning the set. Four points will also be scored for winning the match

5.1   Results must be entered via the website by the home team and verified by the away team within seven days of the match being played.

Burnley & District Tennis League

managed and hosted by
Ludus Online Ltd ©2025
'Complete online grassroots sports fixtures and results service'